Shakhnoze (Yekaterina) Yusupova (Russia, yusupovash@gmail.com ) is a Master of Public Health. Ms Yusupova is an international development specialist with over 20 years of experience in advocacy, policy dialogue, networking, NGO and civil society leadership development, RH/FP/MCH, women empowerment, HIV/AIDS, international projects programming and management. In 2008-2010 Social Mobilization Adviser in Russian UNAIDS. Has publications in Russian and international public health editions. Ms Yusupova is presently a free-lance consultant on issues of advocacy, civil society and patient networks development, and is based in Moscow, Russia.

Natalya Volkova (Russia, natavolkova81@gmail.com ) Ms Natalya Volkova is the case manager, supervisor, medical psychologist, research coordinator. Since 1999, she has experience in volunteering and working in harm reduction and HIV prevention projects among vulnerable groups in NGOs and government organizations (PWUD, SW, homeless people, migrants, people from prison, MSM, and PLHIV). Natalya provides medical and social support for HIV + women and HIV + pregnant women migrants from the EECA region and African countries, as well as HIV + trans women from Central Asian countries. She is currently focused on providing wider access to medical care and HIV treatment, taking into account the context of discrimination, migration and violence against women and trans-women migrants in the Russian Federation.
- Session 10: Violence against migrant sex workers and HIV positive women in Russia: Importance of innovations for designing gender programs
- Сессия 10: Важность инновационных подходов при разработке гендерных проектов для решения проблемы насилия в отношении секс работниц, мигранток и ВИЧ-положительных женщин в России