Japan’s Prisons Are a Haven for Elderly Women: Lonely seniors are shoplifting in search of the community and stability of jail (by Shiho Fukada)

It’s a re-post by GLORI Foundation — the original English version can be found at the Bloomberg website through this link. Every aging society faces distinct challenges. But Japan, with … …read more →

Victory Day

It’s Victory Day, dear friends and colleagues! This song is known to many of us from childhood as a sound track to the famous movie of a medical train whose … …read more →

Seniors in Mosques: Muslims in Prisons Live According to Their Own Rules and Don’t Consider the Traditional Criminal Laws as Compulsory Guidelines

GLORI Foundation is re-posting the article on the development of radical Islamic movements in prisons and presenting the informal summary in English. The Russian original is published on Lenta.ru website.  … …read more →